Grounded in solid experience
Hands-on experience in managing at the executive level is the foundation of my competencies. Complemented by many years of close cooperation with decision-makers in the global network of central banks.
About me

Dr. Peter Dittus
Independent advisor. Owner of arCandide consulting.
Co-founder of SFB Technologies, Inc. and Economic Advisor.
Secretary General of the Bank for International Settlements from 2005 to 2016.
As Member of the Executive and Finance Committees intimately involved in designing and implementing the overall strategy for the Bank.
Responsibilities also included corporate services such as human resources, finance, communications or information technology, as well as the management of the budget of some CHF 300 million.
Previous: Chief Information Officer, Advisor to the Managing Director, Principal Economist at the OECD, Economist at the World Bank, Assistant Professor of Economics.
Based in the Geneva area. Working on a world-wide basis. Fluent in English, French and German, fully operational in Spanish.

Policy analysis
In depth analysis of economic and financial policies. Strategic analysis of their impact. Development of options and their implementation.
Negotiation of contracts. Based on thorough analysis of economic interests and environmental constraints. Development of negotiation strategy.
Effective interaction with governments and central banks. Positioning of arguments in economic and political context. Development of communication strategies.
My values

Respect for People
Face the reality
Connect with emotion
Respect for individuals is essential to me. I have experienced how people who are treated with respect will respect others. I deeply believe that respect and trust are the basis for all effective negotiations.
I believe in learning truth from facts. We have to manage to go beyond our perceptions. Progress requires that we understand and accept the hard facts, and are willing to face the discomfort of confronting others with them.
In order to lead it is necessary to connect emotionally. Brains are good for analysis and evaluating scenarios. Emotional bonds and trust allow us to forge ahead, take risk, and succeed.
My views

Key take-away
Trust in public policy makers and public institutions is eroding. People sense that something is wrong with the way the political and economic elites in the G7 countries are discharging their responsibilities. This manifesto argues that the finely tuned antenna of people are right: the current trajectory of policies in the G7 countries is leading straight into a systemic crisis. The manifesto makes the case for a revolution in thinking if the march of the doomsday clock towards midnight is to be stopped. It advocates the transition from the reckless G7 model to an “economy for the common good”.
Under the leadership of the US, NATO's expansion towards the East has been increasing tensions. Together with the stationing of atomic weapons in several European countries, it is creating the danger that European countries may be drawn into military confrontation through NATO that their populations neither want nor understand. It is high time for Europe to leave this outdated organization. The book provides a clear analysis of the situation and calls for exit of NATO by Europe (in French)
With the advent of digital ledger technology (DLT), there exist now new ways of making payments in real time and with finality. The pilot that the PBC is carrying out with Thailand, the UAE and Hong Kong is an indication that this way forward is seen as potentially a promising avenue. Building a new e-CNY based financial road for Eurasia may be more promising and easier to implement than reforming and linking existing legacy systems.